Cheese and Whine

Once a month I arrive at work and find the breeze­way full of donuts. Seri­ous­ly. Three large box­es [per­haps three feet by two feet] and two small dozen box­es sit there, taunt­ing me. I can smell their fresh good­ness before I even get to the door. Since the lat­est reorg we’re now also required to put in manda­to­ry over­time through the end of the year. Mer­ry Christ­mas. The icing on the cake of course, is the fact that I can no longer keep track of BFD while I’m at work, because it keeps get­ting zero sized replies com­ing through the fire­wall. Either that or George has blocked our IP. Grant­ed, I prob­a­bly should­n’t surf the inter­net while at work, but since my cowork­ers can play soli­taire, com­put­er chess, do cross­word puz­zles or read the PD while at work, I don’t feel so bad. I am also sick of peo­ple who dri­ve the speed lim­it or slow­er in the fast lane of the inter­state. Pass­ing on the inside is legal in Ohio, but often not pos­si­ble, since slow­er dri­vers who actu­al­ly know what they are doing dri­ve the same speed in the oth­er lanes. I think that cov­ers it. I feel a bit bet­ter now.

I am going to a Notre Dame foot­ball game this week­end though, and I’ll have the chance to eat at CJ’s again and have the best burg­er in exis­tence. I should prob­a­bly try to take a pic­ture of it for Food­Goat.

2 thoughts on “Cheese and Whine”

  1. Yea, I heard about the manda­to­ry over­time stuff. That seri­ous­ly sucks. I imag­ine that’s put a damper on your search for PT work..

    Ah…your grip­ing about the traf­fic brings back fond mem­o­ries of our trips into work 😉

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