
I am in search of a part-time job. I would like your sug­ges­tions. At this time require­ments include:

• Com­pen­sa­tion exceed­ing $8.00 an hour.
• Afternoon/Evening hours only.
• No week­ends.
• No food ser­vice work.

I have con­sid­ered:

• Pro­jec­tion­ist [requires union mem­ber­ship]
• Gigo­lo [$8.00 an hour not a guar­an­teed rate]

What kind of part-time or free­lance employ­ment oppor­tu­ni­ties exist for a ver­sa­tile young man in the Cleve­land area?

11 thoughts on “Part-Time”

  1. whatcha got against food ser­vice work?? 😉

    Your best bet would prob­a­bly be retail work. Pick a store you like and see if they’re hir­ing. It’s not exact­ly glam­our work, but it prob­a­bly would acco­mo­date your sched­ule.

    There’s always craigslist, I know, at least around here, the gigs sec­tion pulls up some seri­ous f’ed up ways to make $$.

  2. i don’t know how many times i have to tell you to write for mon­ey, but i acknowl­edge this may not be lucra­tive or easy to start.
    sell your plas­ma.

  3. I worked as a ware­house­man and team­ster dur­ing my sum­mer vaca­tions dur­ing col­lege. It’s actu­al­ly real­ly fun. I’ve got no prob­lem doing dirty work.

    Jill, I can indeed oper­ate a toast­er oven, but I would­n’t be the best role mod­el for your chil­dren. I cause too much ruckus.

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