Poetry at the Literary

litpoetry2.gif Last night was an open mic poet­ry night at the Lit­er­ary Café and over a dozen local poets showed up to do their thing. Many thanks should go to Steve Gold­berg and Nick Traenkn­er for orga­niz­ing it, and to Andy and Lin­da for host­ing. R.A. Wash­ing­ton read, as did Steve Smith and Nick and Steve of course. Also read­ing were C. Allen Rearick, Every­man of Col­or­forms, Eric Alle­man, Rebec­ca Cal­vetti, Kate Sop­ko, and Alexan­der Mali­na. If I missed any­body, I apol­o­gize. Hell, even I read a few. The crowd was pret­ty sup­port­ive of me and I know they liked at least two of the five poems I read. It was also very nice to see what oth­er peo­ple are doing with words. A few peo­ple read longer poems, some­thing I find it almost impos­si­ble to write, and one poet even had sin­gle sen­tence thoughts that sort of blend­ed togeth­er into a long one. If there is anoth­er one, I’m pret­ty sure I’ll do it again. Being in close quar­ters with poets makes me want to write more.

Poetry_Potpourri2.jpgI gave the folks there the oppor­tu­ni­ty to pick my last poem, since I split the oth­er four between seri­ous stuff and chil­dren’s poems. Here are the poems I read:

Break­ing Up is Hard To Do
Haunt­ed House [2nd ver­sion]
Smober the Sock Gob­lin

And if you want to sift your way through all my poet­ry, includ­ing tons of shit­ty stuff. It’s all here. Also, you can watch me read Break­ing Up is Hard to Do on the Lit’s site, here.