
Last night I start­ed an audit of my site. When I switched to Word­Press a bunch of dates on my posts got screwed up and the perma­links from some posts to oth­er posts no longer work so I’m slow­ly going through and repair­ing dead links, dead image tags and basi­cal­ly clean­ing up the place. If that sounds bor­ing you should real­ize that it is basi­cal­ly what I do at work all the time. In light of all this work, I have to turn off my audio-vibra­to­ry-physio-mol­e­c­u­lar trans­port device [name that movie], or pinger so y’all don’t get notices every time I save a file I’ve edit­ed.

I got a 100% poly­ester cor­po­rate embroi­dered sta­t­ic-cling device as a Hol­i­day gift today. It will go well with my 100% poly­ester cor­po­rate embroi­dered sta­t­ic-cling device from last year.

4 thoughts on “Audit”

  1. I’ve got a sim­i­lar sit­u­a­tion on the hori­zon with my blog. I’ve done some tests where I upgrade the soft­ware and the 600+ total entries all lose their dates. Right now I’m let­tin’ it ride.

  2. Thank­ful­ly only about 12% of my entries are dat­ed from 1970. Are you just upgrad­ing your iBlog soft­ware or what­ev­er it is called or are you switch­ing plat­forms?

  3. I’m just uprad­ing my soft­ware. (prob­a­bly not if I have to reor­ga­nize every­thing) At the min­i­mum i’m hop­ing to fix my RSS feed. So far It’s pret­ty baf­fling to me.

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