Meeting Myself Five Years Later

Late­ly, I’ve had a cou­ple of con­ver­sa­tions about my writ­ing with dif­fer­ent peo­ple. This is good because I don’t seek feed­back, although I very much want it. I don’t remem­ber much about the sec­ond con­ver­sa­tion, which took place with some bloke down the pub, but I do recall that it had to do with my thoughts on the first con­ver­sa­tion. I will pen these few inef­fec­tive words so my prog­e­ny will under­stand from whence they have what the hell am I talk­ing about?

Through the lib­er­al use of Socrat­ic induc­tion [shak­en fists and a muf­fled roar from the mob], I was forced to face that hairi­est of mon­sters, my own intent with my attempts at poet­ry. This is a good thing because I had for­got­ten where I was com­ing from. I once had this idea, which may have nev­er been true and might con­tin­ue to be false. Whether the cause of this idea is true is also very much in doubt. But that isn’t impor­tant. What is impor­tant for me is the feel­ing engen­dered by the idea based on the cause. Some­one might very well believe that a banana is the high­est form of life and wor­ship it as a god. That may or may not be ridicu­lous, but the feel­ing of reli­gious ecsta­sy that such a wor­ship­per expe­ri­ences is not ridicu­lous. Thus.

I once thought and maybe still think that poet­ry got too inac­ces­si­ble or too aca­d­e­mi­cized, too estranged from peo­ple who are meant to appre­ci­ate it. I think those peo­ple are all peo­ple. So my goal has been to write things that are com­mon [though not mun­dane] and still effec­tive [points fin­ger]. Acces­si­bil­i­ty is my main goal and has derived itself into my style [if I can be said to have one]:

     1] short poems, with
     2] sim­ple lan­guage, and
     3] at least one obvi­ous mean­ing.

[Un]Fortunately, this plays to both my strengths and weak­ness­es as a writer. I can man­age to do what I want to do, but I can eas­i­ly come across as preachy or heavy-hand­ed. And I’m not much bet­ter at using imagery than I was years ago. I think I have some idea of what to avoid, but lit­tle idea of where to go or how to get there. I don’t think my writ­ing has matured very much. I’m look­ing [always look­ing, every­where] for a direc­tion in which to grow. I just need to fig­ure out what and where, or enlist some­one to help me get a what and where.