Training Day 18

Today was a per­fect day for run­ning. I did my three mile work­out in good time and then made myself a bowl of sausage and veg­etable soup and a quart-sized smooth­ie. One smooth­ie for me fills up the whole blender, but the fat-free yogurt is just the sort of pro­tein I need after a good run. I’ve got to get those leg mus­cles back in form. Then I acci­den­tal­ly made a dou­ble batch of brown­ies. Inci­den­tal­ly, this is my 1000th post and my gas bill [for a 4 room apart­ment] was $200 this month.

2 thoughts on “Training Day 18”

  1. you crack me up.

    smooth­ies and acci­den­tal brown­ies.

    are you sure we don’t share a brain?

  2. Well, it was sup­posed to be a sin­gle batch, then I real­ized I was using the ½ cup scoop instead of the ¼ cup one, so I was forced to use up all my choco­late. I’ve still got two or three brown­ies left.

    I wish smooth­ies had a bet­ter name, they sound so nam­by-pam­by but they are so deli­cious.

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