— thanks to Joseph Camp­bell

“Through me; the way to the woe­ful city;“1

a hero
with a thou­sand faces;2
a sto­ry you
always want­ed to hear.

We con­tin­ue
though we know we con­tin­ue

A des­o­la­tion of hope.
That is the sto­ry.

and I say: This
must be
a prophet­ic life-

Why else cry to the desert­ed places?
Why seek wis­dom on moun­tains?

2 The Hero With A Thou­sand Faces by Joseph Camp­bell

I think this one is going to remain in pieces; appro­pri­ate I sup­pose. The main ideas are there, but I think the tone is wrong and that is why I can’t get them to bind. Any sug­ges­tions?