
I need to start exer­cis­ing again. The marathon was abort­ed because of my knees and a lack of moti­va­tion, cou­pled with the fact that I was in Nashville any­way. Run­ning and pushups and situps should com­mence now that the weath­er is nice again. If I can run 5 days a week in the mid­dle of win­ter I should be able to do the same when the weath­er is nice. Still can’t afford to start fenc­ing again, though.

4 thoughts on “Exercise”

  1. Is gym mem­ber­ship an option where you live? I love being a mem­ber of the gym- class­es help keep me moti­vat­ed. Did­n’t go much last week due to sickness/houseguests, but now I’m right back on the horse again. Of course, it’s right across the street from my house, which real­ly helps.

  2. I prob­a­bly can’t afford a gym mem­ber­ship either, espe­cial­ly to ones rel­a­tive­ly near where I work or live. All I real­ly need to keep moti­vat­ed is a run­ning bud­dy. Bore­dom, not lazi­ness is my fear fac­tor.

  3. why don’t you start a run­ning club? post your sched­uled runs and a meet­ing place on tremon­ter, voila, run­ning club!!

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