
This dream had Mac­Gyver in it. Also this humon­gous under­ground pyra­mid com­plex that we seemed to be both try­ing to escape from and try­ing to get into. We’ve escaped to above­ground, a very nice grassy area with a few trees ahead. There is no sky or even any­thing that could be called a hori­zon, just the grass, the trees and noth­ing. I think this hap­pens in most of my dreams, but I’ve nev­er remem­bered notic­ing it until now. We make it to the lit­tle copse and find that is over­looks a bluff into a cold rough sea. Jump­ing in would be a bad idea because we’d freeze, although we could prob­a­bly make it to the oth­er side eas­i­ly enough. Mac­Gyver just jumps in, but I climb over the side and real­ize that I can peel up the sod that I’m cling­ing to. I do so and find a ven­ti­la­tion shaft that I can crawl into and that I know leads to where I need to go.