Skill Set

If I’m ever going to get out of this rut and in a sit­u­a­tion where I can do some­thing that means some­thing I’m going to need a stronger skill set. I think I’ve fig­ured out why no one wants to hire me. I obvi­ous­ly don’t have enough expe­ri­ence or strong enough skills for the type of posi­tions I’ve been seek­ing. Even though Hein­lein said “spe­cial­iza­tion is for insects” and I’ve been of that par­tic­u­lar mind­set since before I knew who Hein­lein was, it looks like I have to bug out. My cur­rent posi­tion is not doing any­thing to enhance my employ­able skills, so I think I’m going to have to up anchor and go explor­ing. Just as soon as I save up a cou­ple thou­sand more.

8 thoughts on “Skill Set”

  1. I don’t know if com­put­er net­work­ing is your thing, but I have a pair of very good, in-depth CCNA study books col­lect­ing dust on my shelves. You’re wel­come to bor­row them if you like.

  2. I might do that. I did net­work­ing stuff for awhile for the OIT in under­grad. Maybe try to get A+ cer­ti­fied too. I was look­ing in to cer­ti­fi­ca­tion pro­grams at CSU, about $2500 for 9 1‑day class­es it looks like. Yeesh.

  3. Adam–when I read your resume, what struck me is that a) you’ve total­ly got the young lib­er­al arts grad prob­lem of no skills (which I admit I have myself), and b) your work skills/jobs are weak and don’t reflect your strengths of self-start­ing and moti­vat­ing peo­ple and build­ing com­mu­ni­ty. Ran­dom advice–leave cur­rent employ­er for any­thing that sounds like it might help you diver­si­fy and give you some breadth, because you’re just stag­nat­ing.

  4. I’m sure the thought has crossed your mind, but why not start some­thing of your own?

  5. Adam-eMail me your resume. Let me take a crack at it…I used to man­age an IT con­sult­ing firm, and most recent­ly was an IT geek myself. I can take a look and see what you have, and help you make it more palat­able for prospec­tive employers…and if noth­ing else, I have the stack of books on my shelf that you are wel­come to, as well. All of my geek­dom-ness was self taught, and you seem like a smart enough guy. Well, you like ringers.

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