Tremont Burger

Tremont BurgerMy 4th of July would have been dead all day if it weren’t for Tremont busi­ness­es who were open. I dropped off Carl Sagan’s The Demon-Haunt­ed World at the Library and ran in to Steve and Kathy Smith and Steve Gold­berg on the way. I stopped in to Scoops and got a Wild Cher­ry-Cran­ber­ry smooth­ie while I checked my email on their WiFi. Lat­er, I went to The South­Side, where I had the most deli­cious Tremont Burg­er. I can’t remem­ber exact­ly what the sauce was on it, but I think it was sun-dried toma­to aioli. Oth­er fix­ins includ­ed a carmelized onion, bacon, let­tuce, toma­to and pro­volone. The fries were good too. Defin­te­ly bet­ter than any­thing you could get at Heck­’s, but a dif­fer­ent sort of beast than a Steven­son’s. I think in my quest for the best burg­er in Cleve­land, I’m going to have to start cat­e­go­riz­ing things.

After eat­ing I killed some time rid­ing around on my bike. Tremont was like a war zone, bot­tle rock­ets fly­ing over­head, foun­tains in the mid­dle of the street, those mor­tar ones mak­ing big booms to send dogs bark­ing. I end­ed up watch­ing the ‘works on Uni­ver­si­ty Road, along with sev­er­al hun­dred oth­er peo­ple. The mos­qui­tos feast­ed, so if there is a sud­den out­break of West Nile, I bet it start­ed there. You can see the rather crum­my pics I took of the fire­works here.

[You know, I just real­ized that my cam­era has a fire­works set­ting. The pics would have been much crisper if I had remem­bered that 17 hours ago.]

2 thoughts on “Tremont Burger”

  1. i won­der what the fire­works set­ting does? i man­u­al­ly set mine for 1/2 — 1 sec­ond expo­sure time.

  2. I think the fire­works set­ting still has a quick shut­ter, but the aper­ture is wide open. Since my cam is essen­tial­ly a point and shoot, I think that makes sense.

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