I was at Edis­on’s last night meet­ing with some neigh­bor­hood folks about a pos­si­ble syn­er­gy between the lar­val Tremont Civil­i­ty Project and a pos­si­ble men­tor­ing pro­gram to bring togeth­er new res­i­dents, long-time res­i­dents and even longer-time res­i­dents. I also got pret­ty drunk.

Rogue Brew­ery’s Dead Guy Ale

This ale was mod­er­ate­ly hop­py with a thick grain and fruity hints, per­fect for a fall after­noon or sum­mer evening.

North Coast Brew­ing’s Old Rasputin Russ­ian Impe­r­i­al Stout

This impe­r­i­al stout deserves being named for a man with an eleven inch penis that was wor­shipped as a fer­til­i­ty charm. A strong rooty front note fades into a hint of anise and some sort of wood fla­vor. The fin­ish is almost too smooth, with­out the lin­ger­ing stout fla­vor I’m used to. This might be because it was bot­tled. 9% by vol­ume. I don’t real­ly know what I’m talk­ing about here if you had­n’t already noticed.

Fly­ing Dog Brew­ery’s Pale Ale

Now that it is morn­ing and I’m sober, I actu­al­ly think I’ve had this before. I can’t real­ly review it because I think it act­ed as a palate cleanser after the Old Rasputin. I remem­ber that it was about as hop­py as Dog­fish Head 60 minute IPA.

Pal­ma Lou­ca

This Brazil­ian Pilsen­er was the sur­prise of the night. I don’t real­ly like pilsen­ers, but my habit at Edis­on’s is to always try a beer I’ve nev­er had before. I believe this is now my favorite south of the bor­der beer. It beats out Paci­fi­co, Dos Equis, and Coro­na in terms of fla­vor and refresh­ment. And it did­n’t even have a lime in it.