DSC01407 I was Bust Rod from For­bid­den Zone for Hal­loween this year. Click here to see the Flickr set of my cos­tume cre­ation process.

You can find more infor­ma­tion on my For­bid­den Zone obses­sion here. While this mask looks more like an alli­ga­tor than a frog, I was lim­it­ed by the amount of card­board at my dis­pos­al, and could­n’t make the mouth any wider. My even­tu­al goal is to make a near­ly exact repli­ca of the mask from the movie, but that will involve cheese­cloth, chick­en­wire, and more time than I cur­rent­ly have at my dis­pos­al.

Some folks actu­al­ly knew who I was this year, which is bet­ter than last year when no one real­ized that I was Teen Wolf. [Damn kids.]