Dust Bowl

I don’t know what’s up late­ly, but I’ve been hit­ting a wall at about 8:30 every night. Last night I stopped for some deep-fried tacos from Big Guy’s and a few brews from Hotz’s and was back home in time to toss in Yojim­bo. I had every inten­tion of going to The Lit after this, but then I start­ed going cross-eyed and next thing you know I wake up, it’s just after nine and the phone is ring­ing. We final­ly got a good long rain [which is aber­rant this late in the year] to wash the bil­low­ing clouds of dirt that emp­ty dump trucks have been dis­trib­ut­ing all along my street and on every­one’s car. Peo­ple were wash­ing their cars and the next day it looked like they had­n’t been washed in weeks. It was right out of the Dust Bowl.