Well, I’m back in Cleve­land after a few days in Indi­ana. Three Christ­mas gifts I’m excit­ed about include my new sweet-ass pots and pans set, my iron­ing board, and my sub­scrip­tion to Paste [it comes with a comp CD every month!]

The top Christ­mas moment was on Box­ing Day when I came into the fam­i­ly room dur­ing the after­noon to find my mom, my aunt and my uncle all fast asleep and Mat­lock on the tele­vi­sion.

Oh yeah, in hon­or of James Brown’s pass­ing here’s a short film called Beat the Dev­il star­ring him and direct­ed by Tony Scott. About the only place you’re going to find this film is on YouTube unless you man­age to stum­ble across one of the lim­it­ed release BMW Films DVDs. The rest of the DVD is good too, all shorts by great direc­tors.