Bumper Stickers

I don’t dri­ve very much any­more, but the last two days I’ve been at the Tri‑C Cor­po­rate Col­lege West tak­ing a class. What I’ve noticed on the dri­ve to West­lake these two days is a pre­pon­der­ance of W04 stick­ers, Ker­ry-Edwards stick­ers and now the odd Obama08 stick­er. I’m pret­ty sure I’ve bitched about this before, but I can’t ascribe the remain­ing bumper stick­ers to removal-lazi­ness. If par­ty-line-toe­ing and bipar­ti­san divi­sive­ness is so strong among the gener­ic cit­i­zen that peo­ple can’t let go 2.5 years after the fact, it isn’t sur­pris­ing that the peo­ple we’ve elect­ed can’t or won’t get any­thing accom­plished.

3 thoughts on “Bumper Stickers”

  1. There’s a car I occa­sion­al­ly see dri­ving around here that still sup­ports a “Min­neso­ta was right!” bumper stick­er.

  2. I saw a rusty old car a few years back that had a Reagn Bush stick­er on it. That one was very amus­ing.

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