
I’ve been mak­ing lots of phone calls to var­i­ous util­i­ties and insur­ance com­pa­nies late­ly and it appears that I’ve walked into some sort of Alter­na-Earth where the auto­mat­ed phone ser­vices I’ve had to uti­lize and the oper­a­tors at the end of the line are all eager to facil­i­tate a swift and has­sle-free trans­ac­tion. This start­ed when I called up Cleve­land Pub­lic Pow­er to tell them I was mov­ing. The oper­a­tor was so sin­cere­ly com­mit­ted to pro­vid­ing good cus­tomer ser­vice that I felt that I had to com­pli­ment her at the end of the phone call. Deal­ing with the gas com­pa­ny was­n’t much bet­ter, but I did­n’t have to be on hold for 45 min­utes before being told that I would receive a phone call back at anoth­er time. Then I just called Pro­gres­sive to can­cel my auto insur­ance with them. I got a mul­ti-pol­i­cy dis­count by tak­ing home and auto through the same com­pa­ny, and my auto insur­ance is about $100 cheap­er a year because of that too, for the same cov­er­age. Sor­ry Matt. Their cus­tomer ser­vice was amaz­ing. No push-but­ton­ing at all, I was con­nect­ed imme­di­ate­ly to a human who asked for my pol­i­cy num­ber right off. In less than two min­utes the pol­i­cy was can­celed and I’d been informed that a refund would be cred­it­ed to my cred­it card.

Hope­ful­ly the actu­al move will go as smooth­ly.