Home Ownership

DSC02025 On Thurs­day I became a home­own­er! What a frig­gin process it was though. I’ll go into more detail with that in a fur­ther post. Right now I’m enjoy­ing my cur­rent dis­as­ter area. I pulled out all the car­pet, padding and tack­board stuff that evening, so the floors are a bit rough right now. The wall­pa­per is old and nico­tine-stained, and the bath­room door won’t stay open, but the place is mine, final­ly. I had lots of help from a friend who is now a neigh­bor and a few oth­ers too. I’ve been enjoy­ing beer on my front porch.

I’ve also dropped a shit-ton of mon­ey get­ting emer­gency needs this week­end. Tomor­row I hope to get my kitchen put away and the dry­er vent hooked up. Then, pulling more sta­ples. I know I’ve become my moth­er when stuff like that sounds fun. Except more beer is involved with me. Whee!

9 thoughts on “Home Ownership”

  1. shoot. I for­got about your request for assis­tance…

    i could’ve come this morn­ing for the old-apart­ment-clean­ing, too.

    hope every­thing went smoov­ly and with­out too many hic­cups (except beer-bred.) let me/us(hood) know if more help is nec­es­sary.

  2. Con­grats on your pur­chase, Adam!

    My fam­i­ly and I bought a thir­ty-year-old invest­ment prop­er­ty out­side of Cuya­hoga Coun­ty a few weeks ago, and it is/was beat up pret­ty bad­ly. So I feel your enjoy­ment of stick­ing your arm inside nasty duct­work, pick­ing trash out of crawl spaces, and wash­ing down every square inch of the place. And I agree that beer, par­tic­u­lar­ly Great Lakes, makes the job a whole lot bet­ter.

    Drop me a line if you need a hand.

  3. Con­grat­u­la­tions, Adam! Wel­come to the joys of home­own­er­ship. I, too, went through the fun of car­pet rip­ping and sta­ple pulling, and I agree that stuff like that is weird­ly sat­is­fy­ing when the place is yours. Good luck.

  4. Thanks, guys! Only 8 months ago I was with­in a hairs­breadth of leav­ing Cleve­land, and now here I am, entrench­ing myself. 🙂

  5. May this be the first of many great real-estate expe­ri­ences for you. It’s a great way to get ahead in your spare time. The good thing about Cleve­land is that the bad man­age­ment by the local gov­ern­ments is still keep­ing prices low. There should be bar­gains out there for a few more years. Then, once “we the peo­ple” get it togeth­er, prices will rise.

  6. Wel­come to the won­der­ful, top­sy-turvy world of home ownser­ship. And Con­grat­u­la­tions! Let me know if you need any help… or sup­plies, tools, etc. Free advice on what NOT to do, too…

  7. Adam, con­grat­u­la­tions on the new house! Best luck set­tling in and mak­ing it into your home. 🙂

  8. Con­grats Adam. Let me know if you need any help with con­struc­tion projects in the new digs. I might be able to fina­gle some time off to come help.

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