The Very Knees, Heartwarmer

I went to Pat’s in the Flats last night to see a cou­ple of bands. I know The Very Knees and like them much­ly, and was­n’t famil­iar with Heart­warmer. Heart­warmer are from Ken­tucky and had some dance­able pop­py tunes, a bit rem­i­nis­cent of Of Mon­tre­al sans the glam and nods to the orches­tra­tion of Arcade Fire. My only crit­i­cism is that they’ve got too much tam­bourine and not enough melody or har­mo­ny. I’d like to see them add anoth­er gui­tar or let the girl sing along with the guy. Here’s the video I took of ’em.

The Very Knees put on anoth­er rau­cous show and God saw it and said that it was good. They had a 16mm video to go along with their sin­gle and the video pro­jec­tor made me wist­ful, since I’ve been try­ing to find a func­tion­al one for the past lit­tle while. My 16mm film from col­lege is molder­ing mean­while. Not that it is any good in the first place. If I get a pro­jec­tor I might as well get a 16mm cam­era too, and it will all be down­hill from there. Oh yeah, Very Knees video:

Here’s the video in easy-to-see for­mat. It cracks me up in an inside-joke sort of way since I know about half of the peo­ple in it.