
The doc­tor told me that I don’t need a sling any­more, [the elbow is still broke-joke, but a sling would hin­der more than help heal­ing] and gave me a bet­ter boot to wear while my toe heals. What I haven’t fig­ured out is how the hydrocodone and pre­scrip­tion-strength ibupro­fen is affect­ing me. I try to go at least 8 con­scious-hours per day with­out tak­ing any meds so my body does­n’t get too used to them, and they don’t hurt my liv­er too much, but I get these pound­ing headaches not long after dis­con­tin­u­a­tion. I don’t know if this is because of how close my upper wis­dom teeth were to my sinus­es, or whether my head hurts because my body is detox­ing from the meds. It could also be because I’ve not been eat­ing too much late­ly, dou­bly hard to do so when it hurts to chew and I have to eat with the wrong arm.

This is why I don’t like oth­er peo­ple around when I’m sick. I’m grouchy about pid­dling stuff.