Five Thirty Eight

While I was in Chica­go, a cou­ple of the guys from 538 rolled through Cleve­land. Awhile ago, when they start­ed their On The Road series, I sent Sean and Nate an email ask­ing them to let me know if they need­ed any help if they came to town. They did­n’t spend a day in Cleve­land like they have been else­where, but they did spend the night in my upstairs apart­ment. They’re trav­el­ing around on a shoe­string (they had to bust on down to Appalachia-Ohio yes­ter­day to catch up with Joe Biden) and doing good work, so I was hap­py to help out, even in absen­tia.

This is the sec­ond time this has hap­pened to me. In ear­ly June of 2007, Divi­sion of Planes, a band with a mem­ber who is also a mem­ber of MetaFil­ter, came out to Cleve­land for a show, and had a good turnout. I scored a free copy of their EP because of it, but hap­pened to be in Cana­da while they played at Now That’s Class. One of these days I’ll make sure to be in town when I invite peo­ple to come vis­it.

2 thoughts on “Five Thirty Eight”

  1. DAMN! I wish I had known they were that close; 538 is so utter­ly great.

    Say.… would you like to vol­un­teer for the cam­paign here in your own back­yard? *AHEM*

  2. They were only in town for the night, around twelve hours, all told. Deb­bie said they did­n’t go out or any­thing, just crashed and high-tailed.

    I’m going to pass on the vol­un­teer­ing. It is a bit of a cop-out, but I fig­ure I’m deal­ing with the BOE enough these days that I’m doing my part to encour­age fair and smooth elec­tions. I’m still not quite com­fort­able ful­ly invest­ing myself into any par­tic­u­lar can­di­date’s cam­paign.

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