Cobbler’s Children

Prob­a­bly the best rea­son to call for good web stan­dard prac­tices and a con­sis­tent and log­i­cal approach to build­ing web­sites is the ease with which such good plan­ning enables future-proof­ing and upgrad­ing how a site looks. In 2002, when I start­ed this thing, I was blind­ly mov­ing about using WYSIWYG, think­ing I knew what CSS was and how RSS worked. Now that I’ve got my head around that, and know how to build lean, seman­tic markup, acknowl­edge the pow­er that tags can have and under­stand first-hand the impor­tance of acces­si­bil­i­ty in expand­ing the web expe­ri­ence, I often want to go back and clean up all the dusty cor­ners of this site, mak­ing each post pass all of the var­i­ous tests that exist to test web­pages.

I’ve been, every once in a moment, when I have a moment, been work­ing on a redesign. HTML5 and CSS3, excel­lent typog­ra­phy and a new iter­a­tion of the min­i­mal design aes­thet­ic that’s become the norm here. I’ve been work­ing on it for months, but it is still only bare­ly start­ed. It takes more time to fig­ure out where I left off than it does to make changes and updates to the design. It’s the cob­bler’s chil­dren.

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