The Witness of These

You do not con­sist of any of the ele­ments — earth, water, fire, air, or even ether. To be lib­er­at­ed, know your­self as con­sist­ing of con­scious­ness, the wit­ness of these. If only you will remain rest­ing in con­scious­ness, see­ing your­self as dis­tinct from the body, then even now you will become hap­py, peace­ful and free from bonds. You do not belong to the brah­min or any oth­er caste, you are not at any stage, nor are you any­thing that the eye can see. You are unat­tached and form­less, the wit­ness of every­thing — so be hap­py.

Astavakra Gita as trans­lat­ed by John Richards

Great thanks go to Robert Mil­lis & his doc­u­men­tary The World is Unre­al like a Snake in a Rope, a trail­er of which you can see below.

Much respect also to Matt Was­covich & Scarci­ty of Tanks for being the draw. Their newest album, Bleed Now, is fun­da­men­tal­ly awe­some.