Thurs­day and yes­ter­day, exper­i­men­tal film­mak­er Zoe Beloff was on cam­pus. On Thurs­day she pre­sent­ed two 3‑D film works and on fri­day she showed 2 of her dig­i­tal works. The 3‑D films were a trip, i’ll tell you that. Not only were they in 3‑D, which she jer­ry-rigged from parts scrounged from flea mar­kets, they were also avant-garde in con­tent which made them trip­py expe­ri­ences. the dig­i­tal works were just as inter­est­ing in a total­ly dif­fer­ent man­ner. they were like ‘choose-your-own-avant-garde-adven­ture’ inter­ac­tive cdroms. fri­day evening i went over to my pro­fes­sor’s house for a par­ty for Zoe. I was the youngest per­son there, but i’m always com­fort­able around old­er folks. The kind of par­ty it was, was the kind of par­ty i like most. Lots of intel­lec­tu­al chat.

I also got the per­fect place scout­ed for my film shoot. turns out the guy who owns the place went to school with Syd Pol­lack and is going to give me full run of the damn place. suh-wee