Decid­ed to head into work a bit lat­er than usu­al today and biked into Jeff Schuler at the down­town end of Carnegie bridge. He invit­ed me to the brief Bike to Work Day meet­up at A.J. Roc­co’s and I tagged along and met a few folks. End­ed up with a Cleve­land Bikes t‑shirt and a con­tact for some free­lance web work. Learned about fixed gear bikes and some­thing call the track stand. I also found out that A.J. Roc­co’s has break­fast sand­wich­ery, some­thing I’ve been desir­ing of late. For­tu­itous.

At lunch I tipped the hot dog lady $1.40 and I think it made her day. She was grumbly and non-eye-con­tact­ing until I tipped her, then she looked at me and smiled and thanked me loud­ly. I am lik­ing this fall weath­er. Need to be 15 degrees cool­er so I can bust out the scarves though.