i’ve a Film The­o­ry midterm today.

last night was spent wrestling with con­cepts of the ontolo­gies of cin­e­ma, sovi­et mon­tage, the­o­ries and require­ments for cin­e­mat­ic Real­ism, ques­tions of auteur­ship and genre and a lit­tle bit of semi­otic icing to top it off. cur­rent­ly i’ve some­thing akin to Wal­ter Ben­jam­in’s Marx­ist ideas of base/superstructure (in re: to the aura of mechan­i­cal­ly repro­duced objects like film) brew­ing with Rick Alt­man’s semantic/syntactic approach to film stud­ies and Chris­t­ian Met­z’s idea of deno­ta­tive and con­no­ta­tive impli­ca­tions of film form. i won­der what is going to per­co­late?

in the mean­time go amuse your­self at Bit­ter Films with Tem­po­rary Anes­thet­ics.