Yes­ter­day I went to the Sach­sen­heim for Cirque Imag­i­naire, a trav­el­ing art gallery. There were a lot of arts & crafts packed into the hall, and I squeezed through the throngs with a giant mug of beer.

Two booths real­ly caught my eye, the t‑shirts from Psy­cho Rein­deer, and Erin Carek’s sci­ence-fic­tion col­lage work. I picked up the set of rock­et­man coast­ers from her. Erin is also respon­si­ble for orga­niz­ing the art show. The addi­tion of a few good bands helped make the night a great time.

Here are the bands:

And here are a few of the folks there who had stuff I liked: