The new semes­ter has kicked off and any sem­blance of a hol­i­day has final­ly left the build­ing. The class I’m tak­ing for the next 4 months is Applied Quan­ti­ta­tive Rea­son­ing. The instruc­tor does­n’t appear to be a hard-ass, but he’s play­ing every­thing exact­ly by the CSU pol­i­cy guide. I get the feel­ing because it’s eas­i­er for him to let the pol­i­cy already in place do the work. This class is basi­cal­ly a part-time job; sta­tis­ti­cal math­e­mat­ics for 16 hours per week.

It’s going to be a chal­lenge, but I always rise to those. I’ve not exer­cised my math mus­cles in a decade, so I expect there will be some nec­es­sary cob­web-blow­ing in the first weeks.