my moth­er seems to think i am just like her broth­er, my uncle Col­lier. she decid­ed this quite sud­den­ly when i decid­ed to go into town. wear­ing san­dals. with ‘dirty’ toes. appar­ent­ly by uncle did the same when he was my age. i hap­pen to feel hon­ored by this com­par­i­son. my uncle Col­lier was a gui­tar-play­ing hip­pie, who then went on into the Air Force and is now a gui­tar-play­ing Men­non­ite with a great fam­i­ly. if i am like my uncle Col­lier, dirty toe­nails are a badge of hon­or. it means i’m get­ting grimy with the dirt of a life well-lived and grub­by feet sym­bol­ize my involve­ment in day to day expe­ri­ence. peo­ple with clean toe­nails are the ones who stay on the con­crete path and watch peo­ple like my uncle and myself out there liv­ing. How are your toe­nails look­ing?