its a nice day out today, which means we will be run­ning steps in the sta­di­um. in past years that con­sists of run­ning all the way ’round the sta­di­um going up and down each set of steps. i do not know if it is going to be the same this year or not. i do not know if my legs can han­dle it. i think they are get­ting stronger but i’ve also slight­ly pulled a quadri­cep and i have a shin splint or stress frac­ture in my left leg. if we would have one day of prac­tice in which we did some­thing fun and also ath­let­ic i am will­ing to bet more peo­ple would start show­ing up, one month of drills is killing morale. i’m work­ing on a redesign for this site, still hav­ing trou­ble rec­on­cil­ing the javascript thing…but then again, i haven’t worked on it for a week.