well she had fun, but not until her ‘broth­er’ and my good friend bri­an showed up from Cleve­land. she did­n’t yarf, but she did go to the restroom about 70 bil­lion times. we ate at the Mishawa­ka Brew­ing Com­pa­ny, which was excel­lent as always. Great Irish Meat Pies. then we left to go to the bars, but lo and behold i had a flat tire. so every­one else took off and i put on the donut and fol­lowed. as an aside, this is about the 6th time i’ve had a flat tire with this car. i attribute this occurence to the fact that there are mas­sive amounts of con­struc­tion going on around cam­pus. any­way, we then went to Cheers the town­ie bar where we lis­tened to a bad red hot chili pep­per wannabe band and an even worse tree­hug­gin phishlovin hip­pie knock­off who could­n’t car­ry a tune with a wheel­bar­row and who butchered Ram­ble On and Tan­ger­ine. fuck­er. we left as his female coun­ter­part began singing Black­hole Sun a la Jes­si­ca Simp­son. Then we went to Cor­by’s. The Cor­po­rate Alum­ni bar. where the only water avail­able is bot­tled and the bar­tender is HOT as a tub full of boiled cray­fish (i have no idea where that came from). any­way she got blast­ed once bri­an showed up and she start­ed laugh­ing and smil­ing too. so we closed Cor­by’s, got her back to her dorm and then i went to sleep around 3:30 to get up and work at 8. it was worth it.