I fed a squir­rel today. She was pret­ty fat and I think preg­nant, but I’m not sure. She ate out of my hand which I felt hon­ored by. Except that gain­ing the trust of squir­rels on this cam­pus isn’t that dif­fi­cult. the best part was that she put her lit­tle claw/paw into my hand at one point, and chat­tered at me in an ami­able way. I would like a pet squir­rel I think. I would have to train it to not chew on every­thing though. And not to bury stuff in the car­pet. I should feed the squir­rels more often, it is very calm­ing and makes me hap­py. I have anoth­er goal as well. A rook was watch­ing me as I fed the squir­rel and when I tossed the crumbs to the ground and left he imme­di­ate­ly hopped down and start­ed chow­ing. Now I would REALLY like to have a pet rook/raven. That would be too cool. And I could even teach it to talk. My new goal is there­fore to get the rooks to come close to me and eat from my hand, and maybe I can get one to perch on me.

I don’t think many peo­ple know it, but there is a coop­er’s hawk nest­ing on top of our dorm. This can be noth­ing but a good omen. I love birds and envy their flight. One of these days I’ll go hang glid­ing so at least I can have an idea of what it is like.

since peo­ple enjoy label­ing peo­ple and label­ing them­selves per­haps this is man­i­fest­ed by the fact that peo­ple wear cloth­ing for its name and go for sta­tus sym­bols like fan­cy cars and such. its kin­da sad.

UPDATE: the 4B sec­tion video, done by ME won. all the oth­ers were pieces of crap. i also fin­ished the fenc­ing video for the team ban­quet in ten days. go me!