🙂 i got a kiss 🙂 how­ev­er i am also leav­ing today for the NCAA fenc­ing cham­pi­onship at Drew Uni­ver­si­ty in New Jer­sey. I won’t be back till Mon­day some­time. road­trips are great espe­cial­ly since i’ll have a DVcam with which to doc­u­ment and then cre­ate a cool thingy on the tour­na­ment. Go Irish Fenc­ing! i’m rid­ing on a high sev­er­al degrees of mag­ni­tude larg­er than any­thing i have seen in quite a while. i sense some major poet­ics coming…uh oh. peace out y’all and keep on doin’ it right. (what­ev­er that means). hap­py spring­time every­one!