-she looked up at me over her falafel and told me about her plans for spain. lots of lit­er­a­ture it sounds like, and a film class that counts for lit­er­a­ture. i wish i could read her. it is so easy spend­ing time idly catch­ing up and its true, as she says, that when we are around each oth­er there real­ly isn’t a need for doing so.

she’d nev­er been to Eli­a’s which sur­prised me. its is awe­some mediter­ranean food. i was pret­ty sure she was a veg­e­tar­i­an, and Eli­a’s has a great selec­tion of said cui­sine. per­son­al­ly, as an omni­vore, i went with the kaf­ta.

some­one told me that she had bro­ken up with her boyfriend. i did­n’t bring it up. i like her, but as things work out, my last semes­ter here she will be in Tole­do. Where is the point in try­ing to see if she is inter­est­ed? I still remem­ber work­ing with her at the Hud­dle­mart and crush­ing on her qui­et inter­est.

the same some­one who told me also heard from the same per­son that told the some­one who told me that she likes me alot. if of course i am the Adam that lives in Keough and is on the fenc­ing team. (i’m 87% sure that it is me).

she just turned 21, 2 days before my 22nd. she seemed to have had an enjoy­able birth­day. and last night she had a wine and cheese par­ty which i was invit­ed to, but did not go to because i had a bad hot­dog before the game and was slight­ly nau­se­aous.

so is this beau­ty slip­ping away? is this anoth­er end­ing? i don’t think i want it to be