last night was spent doing anoth­er cut of Vice Ver­sa. I tight­ened up a few shots and did con­sid­er­able work edit­ing the end­ing col­li­sion sequence. its still miss­ing one more thing appar­ent­ly. if i had got­ten a few reac­tion shots and maybe anoth­er take or two, i’d be set. there is still some­thing about actu­al­ly cut­ting film that i love, much more than fark­ing around on a dig­i­tal edi­tor. run­ning the film through my hands, look­ing at the nor­mal­ly inde­ci­pher­able sym­bols and words on Acad­e­my Leader and know­ing what they mean. its like i’ve been ini­ti­at­ed into a secret group or some­thing. of course, it is rep­e­ti­tious. but at like prac­tic­ing for fenc­ing, it is a rep­e­ti­tion that results in improved tech­nique. noth­ing at all like work­ing for the anthro depart­ment where rep­e­ti­tion exists for its own sake.