today was the annu­al Anthro­pol­o­gy Depart­ment Goat Roast. At nine in the morn­ing some anthro majors and the profs, using stone tools pro­duced in the Lith­ic Tech­nolo­gies class, butchered a goat and a sheep. keep in mind that prop­er­ly pro­duced obsid­i­an stone knives are some­thing like 5times sharp­er than a sur­geon’s scalpel. so the actu­al cut­ting part was pret­ty easy. then they were mari­nad­ed, kebabed and grilled to per­fec­tion. not to men­tion the oth­er great foods that accom­pa­nied it: goat cur­ry, chili, sal­ad, noo­dles, pota­to dish­es, and won­der­ful peanut butter/ choco­late bars. when anthro peo­ple get togeth­er the par­ties are great. espe­cial­ly since most of the side dish­es were recipes from around the world. i’m going to buy the new anthro club tshirt too its pret­ty nice. i got to do some flint knap­ping myself, but since i have nev­er tak­en the class, i’m not too good at it. how­ev­er, i did get a nice sharp flake that i cut my thumb with. i would have died very ear­ly if i had been cro-magnon. cleanup sucked most­ly because we were all numb with cold but hey if that is the price you pay to be an anthro nerd with all the oth­er anthro nerds (profs includ­ed) so be it. hot damn i had fun!