This Fri­day’s song comes from a band that kicks no end of ass: Jim­mie’s Chick­en Shack. They are fun­ny, cre­ative, some­time polit­i­cal and always good to lis­ten to. They hail from the south­east coast of the US. Heav­i­ly influ­enced by reg­gae and the dead it is inevitable that they smoke up alot, but hell peo­ple have been smok­ing up for hun­dreds of years. it was ter­ri­bly dif­fi­cult to pick a song of theirs: I rec­om­mend Lazy Boy Dash, Do Right, High, Blood, Sit­ting with the Dog, in fact the whole album Push­ing the Salmanil­la Enve­lope. today’s pick is my favorite song of theirs: Milk.