Krzysztof Kies­lowski’s Trois couleurs tril­o­gy is quite a mas­ter’s piece. Begin­ning with Bleu through Blanc and on to Rouge all three films deal with man­i­fes­ta­tions of love: quite poignant, and some­times whim­si­cal but always com­pli­cat­ed. The direc­tion is smooth but firm and for those ini­ti­at­ed into the films, on a sec­ond view­ing, the hand of Kies­lows­ki — masked before — becomes quite appar­ent. Inside jokes abound but serve to height­en the mean­ing instead of dis­miss­ing it. redemp­tion is need­ed through­out by all the actors and is final­ly obtained in Rouge. Lib­er­ty, Equal­i­ty, Fra­ter­ni­ty — Blue, White, Red — the art direc­tion (espe­cial­ly in Rouge) calls con­stant atten­tion to the title, and lends to view­er to appre­ci­ate the col­ors in all of their beau­ty. Shot selec­tion is on a high scale that Hol­ly­wood often dis­miss­es for mere seam­less­ness — but allows art cineast­es to tru­ly rev­el in the visu­al plea­sure cin­e­ma is meant for. Damn good movies.