you prob­a­bly already know it, but i’m a skin­ny bas­tard. the ener­gy my metab­o­lism burns in one day could most like­ly pow­er a small coun­try for a week. i’m not kid­ding. late­ly i’ve been kin­da slug­gish, and a cou­ple of days ago i fig­ured out why. since i have been cook­ing for myself this sum­mer, i have been eat­ing health­i­er, but also i have been eat­ing less. a whole can of Cam­bel­l’s con­densed soup con­tains only around 240 calo­ries. that is usu­al­ly my din­ner and lunch con­sists of a sam­mich of some sort, so add in a cou­ple hun­dred more calo­ries. so in a day i have been get­ting all my nutri­ents thanks to Cen­trum? but only around 6–700 calo­ries. and I need thou­sands of calo­ries a day to keep up to speed. that is why i eat carbs and fat con­stant­ly. the body just can’t run with­out about 3k calo­ries a day. i love pas­ta and rice and bread and cheese and eggs and milk and but­ter and chick­en and sausage and beef and hot dogs and corn dogs and chili dogs and toast and and and…vegetables are all well and good, i eat em, but i think the rea­son pre­fer carbs and pro­tein over said flo­ra is due to the low caloric con­tent of ruffage.

last night, to com­bat my recent unin­ten­tion­al fast­ing i went to Nick­’s Patio and had pan­cakes and eggs and sausage and an eng­lish muf­fin and half a bas­ket of crack­ers. I was fin­ished in about 3 min­utes and Mea­gan was only halfway through her french toast. It was all i could do to not steal her hash­browns. tonight i will ven­ture to the best burg­er pub i have ever expe­ri­enced. CJ’s. Per­haps i might even attempt to con­sume the ‘Gold­en Domer’ a 20oz de-luxe cheese­burg­er.