O’Shaugh­nessy Hall, the crum­bling hub of Arts & Let­ters at Notre Dame, is always plas­tered with posters, fly­ers, and announce­ments of upcom­ing events. A con­stant pres­ence are the fly­ers that the For­eign Lan­guage Depart­ments post in an effort to get more stu­dents to take those class­es.

Most of them run along these lines: Ben­jamin Franklin Spoke Ital­ian, Should­n’t You? with a pic­ture of old syphilitic Ben­ny to high­light the point. That or, Rea­son #348 to Learn French: It’s spo­ken in Fiji.

Some­one I very much would like to meet has final­ly retal­i­at­ed to these banal attempts to encul­tur­ate us. For one glo­ri­ous day before they were torn down O’Shaugh­nessy was cov­ered with sim­i­lar posters that this time said: George W. Bush Speaks Amer­i­can. Should­n’t You?

The Rest of My Class­es:

Poet­ry: I sat in the room and watched girl after girl after girl come in. Final­ly some dudes showed up as well, 4 guys, 16 girls, 2 poems a week. not bad at all.

Oth­er­world­ly Lit: Full of the scari­est type of dork, ones who are rabid­ly eager to dis­play their amount of knowl­edge regard­ing Lord of the Rings. They are peons to the vast wealth of my triv­ia though.