i must have a pinched nerve or some­thing in my neck cuz i can bare­ly move it. i got my mop chopped today, 6 weeks after shav­ing my head, it just need­ed smoothed out. i request­ed anoth­er gig and a half of dri­ve space so i can fit more quick­times on my site. start­ed doing my research and broke my lenten promise of no playsta­tion. i don’t have any­thing else to do though except work the whole time, but hell this is spring break i should be hav­ing fun right? also start­ed research­ing my paper on Mon­ty Python. i love the fact that i am in a major that not only lets me make my own flix but also encour­ages me to research a movie or movies that have influ­enced me. i am major­ing in elec­tives and my life will be a field­trip. i have no prob with that. i’m gonna try to write a pome (or po-em if you must…) or two now. wish me luck.