i used to think that when i final­ly met the girl of my dreams she would be one to know every­thing about me. every last detail. i real­ize now that is bull. i don’t real­ly think any­one tru­ly wants to know every­thing about some­one else. after all, most peo­ple have trou­ble try­ing to know every­thing about them­selves. and as soon as you know every­thing about some­one, what is left? would­n’t the rela­tion­ship go stag­nant and sour? with noth­ing left to know things would get rather bor­ing. with me it runs in cycles, at first impres­sion peo­ple find me unap­peal­ing, but after putting up with me long enough they think i’m cool, any­time i let peo­ple go deep­er, they usu­al­ly get scared off. i don’t know if there is anoth­er lev­el of appre­ci­a­tion past third order fear. i guess i’ll be a life­guard and keep peo­ple from going into the deep end of me.