I just had the most won­der­ful walk.

The house I’m stay­ing in this sum­mer is less than a hun­dred yards from a riv­er, and right up the street from a park. The neigh­bor­hood is qui­et, and the park [apart from some lit­ter] is just right. The trees are mon­strous, thick trunk­ed and tow­er­ing. Mea­gan should come down and see their size, their sin­u­ous branch­es and all that.

The riv­er was quite active this evening. I live right along the East Race of the St. Joseph’s riv­er, and the East Race is the nicest part of the riv­er to expe­ri­ence, and has been devel­oped appro­pri­ate­ly to suit this. There was a guy out in waders cast­ing in the cur­rent, he made me want to fish again. Moments lat­er, some peo­ple on a Sead­oo jet­ted past. Quite a few peo­ple were walk­ing on my side, an elder­ly lady was work­ing in her yard, and on the oth­er side of the riv­er, much high­er [per­haps 50 feet] I could see some cou­ples sit­ting, walk­ing, etc.

Ducks and their broods were all over. and some skeeters too, that I avoid­ed. I just took it all in, tried to for­get about my measly desires, felt con­tent for a bit, said ‘Thanks’ and came back home.

Its hot­ter than the dick­ens in here.