5.20.02 INT. SIEGFRIED HALL RM 450 9:44pm NIGHT

i’ve got a lot to talk about.

home was good, i stayed just long enough but did­n’t see a whole lot of mom which i know she does­n’t like. bo and ker­ris place in chica­go was pret­ty nice as well, the q101 jam­boree was­n’t very fun. the bands i saw were ZWAN, Tena­cious D, The Strokes, Hoobas­tank, Thurs­day, and Our Lady Peace. There were oth­ers there as well but i did­n’t go to the sec­ond stage to see them because they aren’t any good. The only bands i actu­al­ly enjoyed were ZWAN and The Strokes. Bil­ly’s New Band has a nice new sound, and lis­ten­ing to the Strokes live con­vinced me that they have avoid­ed the sim­u­lacrum the record­ing an album so often cre­ates, i’m going to buy their music once i have the chance. i want to go back to chica­go some­time and see some bands and go to some of the stores near bo and ker­ris apart­ment. i’m def­i­nite­ly going to vis­it phil and kyle down at Pur­due this sum­mer as well. i have more fun hang­ing out with those guys than with any­one else. kyle point­ed out that this week­end the five of us (bo, ker­ri, phil, kyle, and myself) are all artists of some type and get along well because of it. com­ing back to ND was strange since i am liv­ing in a dif­fer­ent dorm in a room to myself. the weath­er is the same and has been for all too long, over­cast and around 40 (with occa­sion­al bouts of rain to liv­en things up). i have assigned bo and phil to send me one new musi­cal influ­ence every week. i hope they fol­low through with it (HINT HINT).

i don’t know if i am made to live in the city or live in the coun­try. there are so many inter­est­ing things to see in the city that spark my curi­ousi­ty, but at the same time the pas­toral sim­plic­i­ty of the coun­try suits my tem­pera­ment more i believe. i still haven’t seen Star Wars but hope­ful­ly that will be reme­died on wednes­day. i’m going to have to redesign this damn site again, or at least get a new back­ground and fig­ure out what the hell is wrong with the frames since i saw how crap­py it looks on an ibook. that is all for now. i have to be at work at 9 tomor­rer.