May a blesséd star shine upon Alis­sa and Sarah and Sal­im. I give them thanks a thou­sand times. As I strug­gled to haul my sev­er­al hun­dred pounds of film equip­ment across cam­pus, I passed at least a dozen guys who I know. None of them asked to help. How­ev­er when Alis­sa and Sarah saw me about to fall over from the weight of an Arri16BL and a light kit com­plete with sand­bags (mind you I was only about 50 yards out of my dorm) they imme­di­ate­ly offered to help me take them to Oshag. Some­times girls are a hel­lu­val­ot cool­er than guys. For the 2nd trip I enlist­ed Sal­im, the FTT major next door to assist me. He’s a good man and I did­n’t want to trou­ble the pret­ty nice women any longer.

The Fri­day mp3

The Toad­ies have been a band I’ve lis­tened to since my fresh­man year in high school. They only put out two albums in 8 years and then they split but not before com­ing plat­inum record sell­er for their album Rub­ber­neck. The Fri­day mp3 is the last song on the album and my per­son­al favorite, although every song on the album is damn damn good. I Burn is in a word, brood­ing. A song about witch­craft and damna­tion, I’m pret­ty damn sure it is direct­ly inspired as a reac­tion to the lead singer’s strict South­ern Bap­tist upbring­ing.