What a foot­ball game! Notre Dame did­n’t play the best foot­ball in the world but it was 5 times as sol­id an infi­nite­ly more unpre­dictable than our game under the Davie Regime. I don’t know how many times i heard the phrase “West Coast Offense’ used, but it became rather grat­ing. But in the end all that mat­tered is that we shut out the 20th ranked Mary­land Ter­rap­ins and our defense was out­stand­ing. Go Irish and wel­come Tyrone Will­ing­ham!

also of note: last night i met my first fresh­men girls of the year. they were all very pret­ty and they seemed to like us upper­class­men bet­ter than the Frosh guys in our sec­tion. Aimee, Jen­ny, Mau­reen, and Alex. Now the ques­tion is will we ever see these live­ly young ladies ever again? If things pro­ceed in the typ­i­cal Notre Dame fash­ion, prob­a­bly not, but I would like to get to know them alot bet­ter.