Valen­tine’s Day my ass. At least my moth­er loves me. This is the sto­ry of my life. I ordered a web­cam yes­ter­day and hope­ful­ly I’ll get it hooked up and func­tion­ing as a part of my web­site once it arrives. I fig­ured out what I want my domain name to be when I get a web­site. It has a nice ring to it I think, and it is a para­dox. I am an organ­ic being that behaves in a mech­a­nism (soci­ety) that is at the same time an organ­ic sys­tem with peo­ple as the mech­a­nism. Oh yeah. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, the way the world works, I have to pur­chase the name from some­one, even though it does not belong to any­one. Sup­pos­ed­ly that is why peo­ple can sell it. Fuckin’ cap­i­tal­ists.