Hap­py Fri­day the 13th! Wak­ing Life was very inter­est­ing ani­ma­tion indeed. at times the dia­logue (indeed for most of the mid­dle part of the film) was heavy-hand­ed time­less phi­los­o­phiz­ing, stuff that is per­ma­nent­ly asked and nev­er answered. it was damn trip­py to watch though. today i have meet­ing galore. and now:

The Fri­day mp3.

today the Fri­day mp3 is brought to you by The Shins. These guys are from Tuc­son, AZ and at first I did­n’t dig them too much because I thought all of their songs sound­ed like they were stoned. They grew on me how­ev­er, their har­monies remind me of clas­sic coun­try and blue­grass music, but what strikes me most is their abil­i­ty to sound like a dif­fer­ent band with each song, Sort of like the Union Under­ground, but not goth. Car­ing is Creepy in par­tic­u­lar I think could have been eas­i­ly pro­duced by Robert Smith over in Bon­ny Britain. So with­out fur­ther adieu I give you New Slang.