the sum­mer is over. it was a good sum­mer. i read very much. Its a tossup as to whether Walden or A Clock­work Orange was my favorite read. Pret­ty dif­fer­ent books, eh? I was­n’t quite as active as I wished to be, but I got 6 more fenc­ing lessons than I expect­ed. I watched Lawrence of Ara­bia yes­ter­day. I wish they still made movies like they did back in the day. I also watched Gos­ford Park today. It was alright, but noth­ing com­pared to Lawrence.

i leave for school on Sat­ur­day. I’m almost total­ly packed and ready to bust out. Con­nersville is bor­ing bor­ing bor­ing. Espe­cial­ly when all your friends are already back at school. stu­pid ND starts and ends a week after every­one else. I’ve already start­ed read­ing some of the books for my class­es. Yes, that is incred­i­bly nerdy, but its not so much to get ahead as the fact that the books are pret­ty damn inter­est­ing. right now i’m start­ing reel to real: race, sex, and class at the movies by bell hooks. it is pret­ty damn inter­est­ing so far.