I used to have a side­blog for one-offs, riffs and links, now that’s what Face­book is for. How­ev­er, here are some things I picked up on, real­ized, or thought about over my trip to Indi­ana last week.

  • The first thing is one I’ve always won­dered about: Why is the Yel­low Freight Com­pa­ny’s logo orange?
  • I saw a big bill­board with a bald eagle and Amer­i­can flag that said “Amer­i­ca — Bless God”. This does­n’t make any sense. Amer­i­ca can’t bless God because God is from whom all bless­ings flow. The top 3 hits for the phrase could gen­er­ate no end of cul­tur­al crit­i­cism writ­ing. I could go on, and would real­ly like to, but I’ll spare every­one.
  • It took over a year, but I’ve now trained myself both phys­i­cal­ly and psy­cho­log­i­cal­ly to eat small­er por­tion sizes. That means, on the occa­sions that I pig out, I’m actu­al­ly just eat­ing what Amer­i­cans con­sid­er to be nor­mal por­tions. My weight fluc­tu­ates between 178 & 182, and since when­ev­er I try to dip below that, my appetite goes into over­drive, I fig­ure that’s right where my body wants to be.
  • Picked up this sweet piece of fur­ni­ture for $70:

Antique Oak Dresser